
Art is Participation - Artistic Communities Forum

The C.On.Ven.T.U.S project, supported by Creative Living Lab #5 and promoted by the DG Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture, includes 3 professional study days, which will be held from 3 to 5 May at the Municipality of Navelli (AQ).

The symposium is entitled Art Is Participation and is dedicated to rereading the processes of urban regeneration by integrating the more institutional contributions with a fundamental pragmatic contribution from those who develop regeneration experiences and community involvement on the ground.

A moment of discussion between companies, artists and other cultural operators is planned.

The Forum of Artistic Communities will be a space dedicated to all those who work and develop projects in internal or marginal areas. The event is part of the Verso Sud project, promoted by Rete Doc, born to help create a territory of meeting, listening, exchange and networking of artists, companies, operators and community artistic projects.

On the morning of May 5th, 3 free workshops on design and resource amplifiers are planned, aimed at professionals in the sector who work in the artistic design of the territory.