Fresh Street #4

International event for contemporary outdoor arts

Space in Between

In 2020, FRESH STREET#4 invited you to reflect on the "Space In Between", where art draws its inspiration from, to build bridges between people, imaginaries and cultures.

What did we have in mind?

Around 16 months ago – after a grand edition in Galway, in partnership with ISACS and the European Capital of Culture – the members of the Circostrada workgroup led by FNAS and engaged in the development of this event, agreed on a common curatorial theme for the fourth edition of FRESH STREET: the Space in Between. The idea was to go to Turin, in Italy, and explore the dual nature of the city, both royal and industrial, and to think about the “Space in Between” as the place where art may find its inspirational matter to build bridges between “opposing riverbanks”. In a world torn between conflicting views and positions – where dialogue becomes asymmetrical, power-laden or even disappears – what role should street arts play today?This was our starting point.

What happened in the meantime?

Around 8 months ago – as Covid-19 started to become an integral part of lives – we felt torn between bewilderment and bitterness at first, and then slowly came to accept the fact that a physical and experiential event in the “Mediterranean Europe” would not be possible as we initially imagined, especially if we wanted to ensure a timely and appropriate preparation and guarantee the best possible equity of access. Was the “Space in Between” still a meaning- ful theme to investigate though? More than ever! The current pandemic had highlighted exis- ting fragilities and barriers, while questioning the role of (art in) the public space. Meanwhile, we had to redefine our identities in order to survive and thrive, establishing new ways of connec- ting and creating multiple ways to support and involve artists and cultural professionals, whether locally or globally.

What can we do now?

Although no one, yet, is able to fully grasp the effects of the emotional vacuum in human and social relations, caused by the ever-so-present physical distancing, we can at least try and regard this moment in history as a chance for reshuffling the cards and shaking up certain- ties. The “Space in Between” can then become an opportunity to pause and investigate the key role that creation in the public space might hold in the cohesion processes and well-being of communities and citizens; we can also take a step back to reflect on our practices, our professional and individual realities, before rushing to return to the “world as we knew it be- fore”, without even so much as asking ourselves the question: what matters now? The “Space in Between” is certainly an uncomfortable area filled with doubts and uncertainties, but it could also be a beam of light in a dark night leading us towards a more inclusive, diverse, sustainable and fairer future. It really depends on how we are able to adjust our focus and how we can put that ability to spark further investigation and new creativity. What role should street arts play tomorrow? Come and join us digitally for FRESH STREET#4 to know more about it, to share ideas, get food for thought and, ultimately, to stay connected and show or be shown solidarity.

Circostrada & FNAS

The recording of each session is now available in the tabs below and on Circostrada VIMEO CHANNEL

© Be Flat Company - Photograph by Yngwie Scheerlinck

The FRESH STREET#4 Work Group:

  • Bruno Costa & Daniel Vilar – Bússola (Portugal),
  • Mike Ribalta – FiraTàrrega (Spain),
  • Tanja Ruiter & Huub Heye – HH Producties (The Netherlands),
  • Lucy Medlycott – ISACS (Ireland),
  • Heba El Cheikh – Mahatat Arts (Egypt),
  • Angus MacKechnie – OutdoorArtsUK (UK),
  • Jens Frimann Hansen – Passagefestival (Denmark),
  • Alfred Konijnenbelt – Spoffin (The Netherlands)
  • and Maggie Clarke & Irene Segura – XTRAX (UK).

The Coordination Team of FRESH STREET#4:

  • Federico Toso & Mario Barnaba (FNAS)
  • Stéphane Segreto-Aguilar, Laura Jude, Laura Gérard, Sophia Taouri (Circostrada).

The Italian team: 

  • Martina Soragna, Luciano Faia, Giuseppe Vetti, Nicole Ferrero, Boris Vecchio, Alessandra Lanciotti, Stefano Bosco, Elisa Cabula, Iosto Chinelli