1. Introduction

The Outdoor Arts Italia ETS Association (hereinafter "Association") is a third sector entity that promotes the development and creation of artistic works in public spaces. These terms and conditions govern the contractual relationships between the Association and its members, both for membership in the Association and for access to and purchase of the services offered.

2. Membership in the Association

2.1 Membership Requirements Membership in the Association is open to all individuals who share the Association's purposes and goals. Acceptance of the membership application is subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

2.2 Membership Fee Membership in the Association entails the payment of an annual membership fee, the amount of which is set by the Board of Directors and may be subject to change. Failure to pay the membership fee results in the suspension of membership rights. Membership and annual renewal are regulated in the form of a subscription that expires on December 31 of each year, regardless of the date of joining or renewal.

2.3 Membership Procedure The prospective member accesses their account on the institutional website www.outdoorarts.it or creates their profile if new, and proceeds to renew the membership fee directly from their subscription section or by purchasing the membership card from the online shop. Acceptance of the application will be communicated through the activation of the purchased subscription plan. Membership entails the commitment to comply with the Statute and the internal regulations of the Association.

2.4 Commitments The purchase or renewal implies acceptance of these terms and conditions, the Statute, the internal regulations, and the Association's goals. By joining, the member also commits to participating in the Association's activities in the ways and forms provided for by the Statute and internal regulations.

2.5 Renewal Renewal occurs automatically at the beginning of the year, through the extension of the "ordinary member" subscription for the following 12 months, based on the payment method configured in the member's profile. If one does not wish to renew membership for the following year, it is possible to suspend automatic renewal at any time before December 31.

3. Services for Members

3.1 Description of Services The Association offers its members a range of services, including, but not limited to, participation in events, workshops, courses, and other activities organized by the Association.

3.2 Access to Services Access to services is reserved for members who are up to date with the payment of the membership fee. Some services may require the payment of an additional fee, which will be adequately communicated in the description of the services offered in the shop.

3.3 Booking and Purchasing Services To access services, members must book and, where required, purchase services through the Association's website or through the indicated channels. Accepted payment methods are indicated at the time of purchase.

3.4 Duration of Services Paid subscription services are available under the same conditions offered at the time of purchase and for a duration of 12 months from the date of purchase, regardless of whether the membership card expires on December 31 and is not renewed.

4. Members' Rights and Duties

4.1 Members' Rights Members have the right to participate in the Association's activities, to vote in assemblies, to propose initiatives, and to use the services offered.

4.2 Members' Duties Members are required to comply with the Statute, the internal regulations, and these terms and conditions. They must also actively contribute to the realization of the Association's purposes and behave correctly and respectfully towards other members and the organizers of activities.

5. Withdrawal and Exclusion

5.1 Withdrawal A member may withdraw from the Association at any time by communicating their decision in writing to the Board of Directors. Withdrawal does not entitle the member to a refund of the membership fee paid.

5.2 Exclusion The Board of Directors may decide to exclude a member for serious violations of the Statute, internal regulations, or these terms and conditions, as well as for behavior contrary to the Association's purposes or detrimental to its image.

6. Changes to the Terms and Conditions

The Association reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Changes will be communicated to members through the Association's website or other means of communication deemed appropriate.

7. Final Provisions

7.1 Applicable Law The relationships between the Association and its members are governed by Italian law.

7.2 Jurisdiction For any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of these terms and conditions, the competent court will be the court of the place where the Association is headquartered.

For further information or clarifications, members can contact the Association via the email address or contacts available on the website.